“The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.”
Believer, what are you going through today that makes you feel unsafe? What situations or circumstances are you experiencing that have you sensing you’re in danger? What is going on that has you sure you’re living in the midst of evil?
Whatever is going on, you have a promise from God:
If you run to Him, you will be safe.
I have lived with domestic violence.
I know what it feels like to not know what’s coming next, what will set horror in motion.
I have survived cancer twice.
I know what it feels like to hear the words and have to map out a course through the ifs, ands, and too many buts.
I have sat in emergency rooms, hearing news I never wanted to hear, that death was imminent, that life was changed forever.
I know what it feels like to have the world collapse around me.
I have also experienced this truth that the name of the Lord IS a strong fortress, that I CAN run to Him and be safe.
Sometimes, God rescues us from the situation we’re in with escape, change, treatment, or cure. Sometimes, though, we may not feel like we’re safe—when the insanity of the world rages around us and cruelty runs rampant. The truth is, Believer, there are times when our here and now doesn’t change or feel safe, but our hereafter is completely secure.
The scripture says running to His name will set us high above evil. Safe. Secure. Sheltered.
That sort of sounds like heaven, doesn’t it?
Run to His name—to Him—today, my friend. Seek refuge in the only true fortress there is. Allow the God who made you to be the One who saves you and your forever.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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