Can you imagine people choosing to offer sacrifices again and again for the same wrongdoing instead of making the changes to just stop doing the wrong?
Seems it’s been happening for the longest time. So long that it was addressed in the Book of Proverbs, long before Jesus came. That’s been a while.

Don’t we do that, though? There’s this one thing… but it’s so very hard to give up that one thing… and we offer sacrifices to the Lord. I know we’re not taking an animal to a priest at the temple to sacrifice on the altar. Our sacrifices look different. We give up vices we don’t really have a problem with. We work in the church nursery or with senior adults. We read our Bible more. We go on mission trips. We give more money in the offering plate. We give sacrifices. Lots of them.
But we don’t change.
I grew very comfortable with no exercise, with eating whatever I wanted in the portions I wanted, and my health suffered because of it. I sacrificed by leading Bible studies, speaking of the Lord, working in various ministries, seeking God for each new health issue, and many other things. But I didn’t change. Until I did. I made the decision to do something different. I started saying no to the old ways and yes to new ways. I even took on the tool of bariatric surgery. I had let my health go so long that I needed that help to conquer heart trouble other issues.
May we who believe in the Lord Jesus choose to stop this cycle in our lives and choose to honor and glorify God instead of remaining snug in our comfort.
May we stop offering confession and repentance for the same thing over and over and choose Him over that comfortable sin we’ve become addicted to. Let us examine our ways today and choose the Lord over ourselves. We CAN do this. We have the power within us that raised Jesus from the dead. It’s time to tap in and become free.
Coffee, Bible, Journal