Paul had just written that believers who are strong must be considerate of those who are not. We’re not to live to please ourselves. Wait, what?
Yeah, self doesn’t get a front seat in the believer’s life. At least it shouldn’t.
That’s not to say we don’t take care of ourselves. It means that we don’t get to be offensive because “that’s just how I am” and we don’t get to ignore others because they don’t fit our idea of who we’re supposed to be serving.
We’re to follow Jesus, and pleasing Himself was never His intent. He lived to please God alone. If we’re following Him, that’s what we’re supposed to be doing, too.
The way we know how to do that is to look at the scriptures written long ago, words shared by and about those who were chosen by God as His own.
We know what we ought to be and do, and when we become that and do what we’re called to without wavering, we’re able to hold tightly to and cherish the hope found in Christ Jesus.
Steadfast and patient endurance. Some call that stubbornness. That’s okay. Do it anyway. That’s the definition of steadfast! Know what you know from the scripture and live into that. Strive to become all God has designed you to be.
I believe that as you work toward that ultimate goal, you will know hope as never before and will cherish it as a priceless treasure.
Let’s give that a try today. Let’s look to the Book of instruction and begin to live it. Let’s draw our inspiration and encouragement from those scriptures and watch hope grow.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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