Who else finds they desperately want and need rest right now? I mean, not only are we dealing with the ‘usual’ – the things that have been our normal for a lifetime, but now we’re dealing with a sickness that has taken over the world for over three months, and now the state of affairs in the US.
I know my heart is crying out for peace, rest, and hope, and I imagine yours is, too.
Our trouble is, too often we keep returning to Facebook or news outlets, and all we find there is turmoil. So much scary stuff! So much to rile our hearts instead of offering peace. We have to remember, that’s their jobs. Organized news has never offered peace.
When we turn off the input of social media and news outlets and turn on the input of the King of kings, our hearts receive the most peaceful rest ever – in the midst of the turmoil that is still going on.
I’m not saying to become an ostrich and duck our heads in the sand. I AM saying that instead of feeding on the fractured, broken words of humans without a clue, we should be feasting on the life-changing, life-giving words of the Creator.
Choosing to fill ourselves with the “meal” of our Heavenly Father instead of CNN, NBC, FOX, and their like, sets us up to be the lights shining in the darkness of chaos and fear. It gives us His perspective on what is going on. It shifts us from panic mode to prayer mode. It moves us closer to Him where we are safe.
What do you say? Will you choose to dine with the Divine One and snack on the snippets to have peace, or continue receiving into your spirit the noise of each day? Turn down the static and choose The Book over any other source.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
P.S. Scripture read on social media between bites of chaotic news doesn’t count. (Yes, I know that’s exactly what this is — I hope you’re reading and receiving more than my little bites.)