You have stayed long enough
What fear is holding you back? Why aren’t you stepping out in your purpose and calling? Israel stayed at Mount Sinai for a year, receiving instruction and mandates from God.…
What fear is holding you back? Why aren’t you stepping out in your purpose and calling? Israel stayed at Mount Sinai for a year, receiving instruction and mandates from God.…
Have you ever heard an instruction from God about something you were supposed to do in life? I can tell you how you know it’s from God: if it’s impossible…
How do you feel about your job? This is important. Your job affects most areas of your life. To some folks, this might be a somewhat loaded question. Jobs are…
Some people seem to know from birth what they want in life. They find their passions or their talents early and seem to just know to go after them. That…
You likely understand that knowing your purpose is a big deal, but do you know how to find your purpose? If you posed that question to several people, the majority…
Trust me here, Christian Woman, you are a threat to the devil. You hold within you the power of the Holy Spirit and can walk in the authority of the…
It has been almost a week since I woke with these words on my mind, “To those who are warring, your provision is coming.” Since this thought was totally foreign…
I had an amazing Thanksgiving weekend with my husband and family. I enjoyed being with family and friends for two holiday meals. It was a time of great blessing, talking…
If you’ve read much of my writings about the Bible, you know there are times I feel compelled to dive deeper into the original words used and what was really…
What limiting beliefs do you believe about yourself? Are you ready for them to be gone? Let’s address them and take action today.
When Jesus came to Earth, He came to God’s chosen people, the children of Israel. To our 21st century ears, He sounded harsh when He told one Gentile woman that…
I was singing along with the praise team and the others in attendance at church when I heard God speak. It wasn’t an audible voice. No booming bass voice was…