“A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.“ Paul added these words after explaining in-depth how believers should handle relationships with one another.
In the following verses he explains that the enemy is not the one in front of us, that our battles are not with flesh and blood.
If we could just get this concept lodged in our heads, how many arguments and fights would never start?!?!
It is so easy to read the following words in Ephesians 6 almost as a checklist:
___ helmet of salvation
___ breastplate of righteousness
___ belt of truth
___ shoes of the Gospel of peace
___ shield of faith
___ sword of the Spirit
___ pray in the Spirit
___ stay alert
___ be persistent
Don’t you just know God knew that we would look at it that way? Sure He did! So He nudged Paul to write these words at the beginning of the checklist reminding us that our strength is NOT sufficient for these battles, but the Lord’s is.
Sometimes our best response when faced with a rebellious child is to step back and pray.
Whether it’s our boss, our employee, our spouse, or our children, the battle we’re having with them really isn’t with them and we have to respond correctly to the actual enemy we’re battling.
The only way to do that is to lean on Jesus and be strong in Him. When we do that, relinquishing our attitude of “I got this!” He will guide our every word and step.
When something ugly rears itself up against us, we need to take a step back long enough to pray, long enough to remind ourselves and God that we don’t “have this” and we need Him to take care of it. Be honest and tell Him you need Him to take over your responses because all you’re feeling toward the person you see is violence.
God’s mighty power is strong enough to restrain our mouths and our hands, but we have to get our own foolish, upset selves out of the way.
Today let’s recognize that even with every piece of armor on, we’re not strong enough for the enemy we’re faced with. Let’s choose to stand firm, knowing that the Lord is every bit of our strength and that He offers us HIS mighty power to deal with every battle we come across.
Be strong, my friend, by leaning on Him. He’s ready.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.