I’ve heard something about if you have to tell someone about your amazing attributes, they probably don’t exist.
If we could say I love you in many languages,
ik hou van je
Волим те
ich liebe dich
আমি তোমায় ভালোবাসি
jag älskar dig
אני אוהב אותך
ti amo
Is breá liom tú
… we’d be pretty cool.
But just saying the words isn’t enough. Lamenting about others not loving isn’t enough. Being angry because someone’s love looks different than our love isn’t enough.

When we speak love without acting it, we’re just adding to the noise of a chaotic world. When we lament about others, we are simply shifting focus from us and our lack of love. When we’re angry because their love isn’t like our love, we are judging instead of loving, and most likely incorrectly.
We who are believers have one example of love that we should follow: Jesus.
He loved by listening. He asked questions to get to the heart of what was going on inside a person.
He loved by touching. Even those from whom he could get disease. A gentle touch on the arm or face offered solace and companionship that people needed.
He loved by giving of Himself. He didn’t stop caring for Himself, but He gave time, effort, and resources.
There are so many facets to the love the Savior demonstrated, and we must emulate those, striving to look more like Him day by day.
We get to choose to sound like repetitive clanging cymbals OR to look like the Savior. What will it be?
Will we listen, really listen, to those who speak to us? Will we ask questions to really understand them? Will we touch those who need us? Just a light touch on the arm to say we’re there and we care? A brush across the face or head as we share of Christ to let them sense His presence through us? Will we sacrifice our time, effort, and resources to allow others to tangibly feel the love of the Creator?
Or will we merely say, go forth and be blessed? CLANG!
I hope that today you will make the choice to stop clanging and start loving as Jesus did. Let’s back up our words with our actions. Let’s offer the gift of Jesus’ love through us everywhere we go, from home to far away places.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.