What a testament, to tell God that He is one’s shepherd. David knew what it meant to be a shepherd. A labor-intensive job if ever there was one. It also required great mental intensity. The shepherd had to be on duty, keeping watch for attacks from predators as well as mistakes by the sheep.
This is our God. He loves all of His flock so much. He loves the sheep of the flocks other than His, but His sheep hold the top spot for Him. He provides for us, giving us food and water, safety and protection, guidance and restoration, tender care and justice. The amazing thing is, we don’t have to work for that. We are and He is. That’s all that’s needed.

Just like the four-legged animal, we are prone to wander away from our Shepherd. We search for better water, food, places. Sometimes we wander just because. Sometimes we find Him too restrictive. We want to go *there* when He knows it’s not safe for us, but a prime hunting ground for the predator out to get us.
Unlike the hooved creatures, God gave us the wherewithal to decide to keep walking away, or to not ever come into the fold at all. That doesn’t mean that the Shepherd loves us less, it means we reject that love for something else.
Those who choose to come under the Shepherd’s authority and care will know the peaceful streams, the full provision, the wise guidance, the tender care, and the total protection of the Shepherd. We can lie down in those green pastures, knowing that God Almighty is watching over us, making sure that we are completely taken care of, that we can let go of the control we think we have and just lie down.
Trust Him to be your Shepherd today.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.