Children imitate their parents. It’s natural and normal in both the animal kingdom and the human.
They do this by watching the parent, paying attention to what is done, usually coming to understand the why behind it at some point.

Paul noticed this phenomenon, and used it in the letter he wrote to the believers at Ephesus, telling them to imitate God in that way. To watch what He does and do the same. We understand him to mean Jesus, since that is who was seen.
He goes on to expound on what following Christ’s example means:
• Love others
• Offer oneself as a sacrifice for others
• Refuse sexual immorality, impurity, or greed
• No telling obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes
• Determine what pleases God
• Expose worthless deeds born of evil and darkness
• Live as the wise, not the foolish
• Understand what the Lord wants you to do
• Be filled with the Holy Spirit instead of being drunk on other spirits
• Give thanks for everything
Whoa. That’s a long list there, Paul. I can’t do all that!
Absolutely true! You can’t do it on your own. But with Jesus as your Savior and King, His Spirit filling you, you can do these things because the core of your being will become all about doing them. Your new spirit will want to please His Spirit, and that will be shown in the changes in your lifestyle. You will imitate Jesus.
Don’t get the idea that this is automatic upon your salvation. It requires complete surrender to God. Completely letting go of the reins of control in your life to Him. It’s taking your eyes off your wishes and putting them on His. It’s a day-by-day, moment-by-moment choice to follow and imitate Him instead of doing the next shiny thing.
Like a child, when you spend time with your Father, you begin to talk and act like Him. You’ll better understand His heart and you’ll imitate that. You’ll copy Him and follow His example, not because you’ll be smashed if you don’t, but because you love Him and want to be like Him when you grow up.
It’s time, Believer, to let go of the reins. It’s time to spend time with the Heavenly Father. It’s time to just be the child you are and decide that when you grow up, you want to be just like Him.
Then just like the little boy with shave cream on his sweet face, do what you see Father doing, knowing you are putting a smile on His face, and other people see Him through you.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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Faye Bryant is an author, coach, and speaker who helps individuals escape the lies of the enemy, live into God’s truth, and build a better life by first feeling, dealing, and healing their way through a stuck future or an abused past, toward a deeper path of purpose, and into the unhackable life of their chosen legacy. Hers is a story of resurrection: from death to life!