Have you heard -or said – “he’s too heavenly minded to be any earthly good”?
The thing is, God through Paul told us to think on the heavenly things and not the things of earth.
I urge you, BEG you to read the entire chapter of Colossians 3
This is NOT instruction to stick our heads in the clouds and ignore all that’s going on around us.
It IS instruction to put away the old unsaved life of putting the world and it’s thinking before God, to stop letting the anti-God things rule our minds and hearts.
Believers, we have a new filter through which to run all thoughts, ideas, and circumstances. The Holy Spirit. It is up to us to access that filter and allow Him to help us set aside our old way of doing things in order to remain faithful to our Savior.
What does this mean practically? It means realizing that at the moment of our acceptance of Jesus’ sacrifice for us, we have a new real life. Our reality has become Heaven and Christ. We no longer belong to this world of ungodliness, even though we live amongst it.
Part of that new reality includes sharing in Christ’s glory when He is revealed to the whole world. (WOW!)
It means killing off the sinful, ungodly things lurking inside us. No, that doesn’t mean suicide. It means making a deliberate, intentional choice. No longer choosing the things we loved as we walked toward an eternity without God. Choosing instead the things of God, staying close by His side, right in His shadow.
This challenge might take some time today, but let’s ask the Spirit of God to show us any ways that we’re thinking more about the things of earth than the things of God. If shown anything, we must immediately confess (agree with God) and repent (turn away from it), making all necessary changes to align ourselves with God.
That might mean being around certain people less and others more. It might mean changing our music or TV or movies. It might mean making changes on social media. In recovery, we call this finding a new playground with new playmates.
Let’s do this!
Coffee, Bible, Journal.