What is your suffering right now?
Is it chronic illness?
Is it abuse?
Is it abandonment?
Is it physical ailment?
Is it trauma?
Is it fear?
Is it grief?
What is your suffering?
Whatever it is, get in touch with God. Far too often, when suffering, we curl up into ourselves and let no one in, especially God—as though we blame Him for our plight. When we’re suffering, regardless what that looks like, we need to turn to the only One who can make a change in our situation.
I know, there are times when God will not remove us from that suffering, but when we remain in contact with Him through prayer, we recognize that we’re not alone, and that is a huge factor in how we get through whatever is causing our pain.

What is your joy right now?
Is it a new home or car?
Is it a new baby? A new grandchild?
Is it travel?
Is it good health? Restored health?
Is it a birthday or anniversary?
Is it a wedding?
What is your joy?
Whatever it is, get in touch with God. Far too often, when joyful, we get caught up in the excitement and forget God completely. We don’t recognize that He is the provider of that joy. When we’re overflowing with joy and happiness, regardless what that looks like, we need to turn to the One who is truly responsible for it.
I know, it’s easy to forget to slow down and praise God when the exciting, joyous things are happening, but when we remain in contact with Him through prayer, we recognize His hand in our lives and live accordingly. We realize the truth of our joyous situation and give the true Source of it proper attention and praise.
No matter where you are on the spectrum today: suffering, happy, or somewhere in between, stop and get in contact with the Lord. Praise or pray, whichever your situation calls for, but stay in touch. Don’t let the conversation lag. Don’t let communication shut down.
God is always your Strength and your Provider.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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