Don’t you know, the believers throughout the first-century world were avidly looking for Christ’s return? They were looking for relief, for freedom, for more of what some had witnessed.
But no. Not then, and not yet.
Some say that God is slow to keep His promises, that He can’t or won’t fulfill them. In his book, “Why I Am Not A Christian,” atheist Bertrand Russell accused Jesus of breaking His promise to return.
Could Russell be right?
Peter addressed this thinking in his letter to believers, saying that there would be scoffers who said the sort of things Russell did, “They will say, “What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again? From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was first created.”” 2 Peter 3:4

Peter’s answer to that is simple: God loves the world too much to let anyone go without salvation. He wants Heaven to be filled with as many people as possible—those who will choose His path. He is giving every possible opportunity for us to choose Him over self.
God isn’t slow, my friend. He is patient—something we struggle with. He is also without the constraints of time that we are. To Him, the time passed since Jesus walked the earth is mere days.
Those first century believers were looking for the imminent return of Jesus every day. They were hoping for it. They were longing for it. Are we?
Are we prepared for His return? Are our friends and family prepared for His sudden return? He said His return would be like a thief in the night—the glass broken, the entry done, the homeowner utterly startled.
We must stop putting off talking with people about Jesus. We don’t want loved ones to miss out on Heaven!
We must make sure that WE are ready for Jesus’ to come back. Have we really surrendered to Him, believing to our core that Jesus is the Son of God and admitting aloud that God raised Him from the dead? If not, right now is the very best time to do so.
No putting it off! Is that a trumpet I hear?
Let’s get ready to meet Him today and remain ready every day until He has gathered in those who will come.
Coffee, Bible, Journal.
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